If I am not satisfied with services from Hospital whom I can complaint.
Amit Sharma
There are multiple options you can choose for registering your grievances. You can reach out to the senior management of the Hospital and register your complaint and if you still not satisfied with their response you can reach out to regulatory authorities. 1. Regulatory Commissions under the Clinical Establishment Act: You may approach Regulatory Commissions under the Clinical Establishment Act for any negligence or lack of service on the part of a hospital. In addition, you may also seek help from Consumer Forums. Please visit the link to register: http://www.clinicalestablishments.gov.in/cms/Home.aspx. 2. State department of health services: You can request your State department of health services, narrating all the facts. You must collect all the evidence to support your complaint, and it should be held factually correct and accurate. Because if the complaint is proved wrong, then the hospital authorities may take legal actions against you on various accounts. Therefore, think wisely and act according to your wisdom and applicable facts of your case. Please visit the link to register: https://main.mohfw.gov.in/Organisation/state-health-departments-0
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